Why always always want to look like the other?
Why the reflection of ourselves, constantly sent us back by the society, still and always incite us to look for our second self?
Why do we need so much this frantic race of the world?
The mirror. A self image and its unseenpart. The constant and unchanging combination of reality and our imagination.
The expression of his own reflexion immerses him deep down in his inner self.
«Some dancers close the stage curtain. Others need to look at themselves. Ordinarily, I include myself among those who forget to look in the mirror. That enables me to better internalize the movement. The danced gesture is first a feeling to me».
To change the perception of his image, he reveals some truth and some unforeseeable. The whole body discovers itself and is reflected in the alchemy between time and move. The relationship established between the danced body and the observed body questions the inner life and the «extime». This wish to make visible some aspects of ourselves, previously considered as a matter of intimacy.